Friday 10 June 2016

Trusting His Faithfulness (Testimony 1)

Many times we see people on social media and believe that they share everything going on in their lives, if they post a lot. I can say for me, that is certainly not the case. People wouldn't understand the constant spiritual attacks I go through; the many battles that overwhelm me (financially and emotionally) but I choose daily to press on. 

Daily, I choose to believe God’s Word that in my weakness, He is made strong (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I know my life is not about me, so even when I feel down, I try to take my eyes off what’s going on in my life and find a way to encourage and serve others and that truly gives me joy.
However, I believe God wants me to share this wilderness season that I’m in. It took a lot of strength to be obedient in this area. I don’t believe I’m a private person because I do share a lot with my friends but I don’t share certain areas of my life publicly. For some reason, this season of my life was meant to be shared with you. 

So in the words of Sarah Jakes  We share our testimonies not so our lives can be picked apart but so someone does not have to face what we barely survived.”

If you’ve been following my posts and blogs this year, then you will recognize I’ve got a lot going on. I’m always a busy person because I truly believe the ‘devil finds work for idle hands’ so being productive in the Kingdom keeps me accountable, focused and purposeful. The challenge with working for the Kingdom is that you make the devil maddd so he constantly tries to attack so you can get discouraged, worried, fearful, guilty, condemned, hopeless and eventually give up! Unfortunately for Satan, I’m not the type to 'throw in the towel' easily so my attacks always intensify.

As led, I will share a few things and my true feelings even as I go through this process and tests. Again, this must be GOD because I truly want to erase these words and not share “my business” with so many people but Lord, let your will be done.

In a brief summary, let me share some of the things that have been going down since 2016: 

1) God directed me to leave my church home. After 7 years, I was told that in this season He wants me to worship somewhere else. It was truly a hard decision because I truly love love my church family but I knew it was God so I had to be obedient. 

2) My 2nd father, Robert Byers died. Now, if you know me, you know I have two fathers (extremely blessed aye!!) But YES.. we were very close and I miss him every day. I didn't post a lot about this because when I'm sad I tend to withdraw and try processing things by myself but this has been very hard honestly.

3) I'll be giving up She's Royal Movement after the conference... Yes.. God made me a steward over this ministry and the worldwide impact has truly wowed me. But it's not mine.. It's GOD's! And He gives and He takes away (Job 1:21).

4) I continue to lose friends... After being stripped last year from some friendships, I realize God is taking me higher and I have to acknowledge that some people are just for a season. 

5) God instructed me to sell my car.. yupp.. From early March I've been taking the bus.. This is another story by itself.

6) Financially things are very tight.. and I no longer have my 'rich' daddy to help me out and I was doing a part time gig doing social media marketing and I no longer have that contract; plus since I don't have a vehicle I've lost a major portion of travelling allowance. So in less than three months, basically I've lost almost $45,000 (USD$450) in income BUT GOD!! 

These are a few things going on.. along with trying to publish my book which is due in August 2016.. I have a major conference coming up in less than a month (July 1-2) expecting 250 women, God has directed me to start my own business and I work a full-time job and I'm a full-time mother. 

The amazing thing with ALL of the many things going on, I'm so much at peace and I have so much joy.. I know this must be GOD!! I will admit I do cry very often.. not because I'm sad, stressed or depressed because I'm not!! I find myself crying because of His awesomeness, His sovereignty and His unconditional love that He continues to pour out on me. Despite all that is going on I've been so so blessed, its mind blowing how faithful GOD is! 

Again, I don't know why I'm supposed to be sharing ALL of this. I don't know who God wants to show His faithfulness to through my story but I'm simply a vessel.. a 'chosen vessel' . God has taught me that I don't have any business.. I've died and it is Christ who lives through me… So it's His business! 

I will be sharing one by one about each situation and the different effects, lessons and blessings they've been having on me, as I’m led. 

I want you to know GOD loves you so much and He will never leave you or forsake you.. Trust in Him with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6) 

God loves you and I love you too!! 

Hope you have a blessed weekend... 

God bless you.

To God to be Glory**** 


  1. Thnx chrissy.God you are simply amazing.

  2. Thnx chrissy.God you are simply amazing.

  3. You told my story in so many ways. Thank you sis. God bless you.

  4. You told my story in so many ways. Thank you sis. God bless you.

  5. Don't walk in your destiny. Walk in your God-given purpose and your destiny will come to you.

  6. Awesome. To God be the glory.

  7. Always remember God has your back no matter the situation.
