Thursday 12 November 2015

Happy 2 years "Celibaversary" to me!!!

Cheers to 2 years -- Happy Celibaversary to me!!!

Many celebrate the day they got baptized as their commitment to God, but my baptism wasn't real, it was simply me trying to be spared from hell. But today I celebrate 2 years of Celibacy (My Celibaversary) yay!!. and for me this day is far more significant because on November 12, 2013 I made a vow to God that I would not have sex until I got married and this was the beginning of my commitment,that I will surrender my life to God 'for real'. 

Honestly, I lived a promiscuous life for so long that I knew my two biggest challenges with being a Christian would be giving up sex and partying. So in order for me to really stick to this commitment, I would need 'divine intervention'. Today I'm very proud of myself and I know God is proud of me too for taking the step to glorify Him with my body and not live in hypocrisy and lukewarmness anymore. 

" I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me" - Galatians 2:20

I remember a series of events led up to this decision; after my 'failed' engagement (see story here My Engagement Story), I had either to go back to the my familiar place of being the side chick (see story here Being the Other Woman) or face the fears of singleness. So I took the easy route and went back... this lasted a month because I had such a strong conviction, I spent everyday being angry or depressed and I really wanted out!! 

When I told my friends, of course they laughed at me and when I told him he laughed harder as everyone said they would give me two (2) weeks for the 'holiness' to wear off before I would go back to normal i.e. stuck in this relationship. But years later, apparently I had just gotten 'crazier' lolol..... 

It is such an awesome and liberating feeling though to not be a slave to sin.. 
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36) 

Now let me say this ... it ain't me... This is only possible through the blood of Jesus Christ and it is only because of His Grace which is truly sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9). The Holy Spirit has really taught me self-control and kept me during these 24 months. 

I've been asked if Ive ever felt tempted .. ahhh ..YES!! Mostly in the earlier stage... but I researched so many Blogs and YouTube videos on Purity that I've learned to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:8). I ensure I don't put myself in certain compromising situations that would tempt me to fall. I will share another blog on Purity soon, but today I want to share 2 major lessons I've learnt during my celibacy journey:


I didn't grow up in church, so not having sex before marriage was definitely not taught to me. Personally, I just needed to wait until I was at least 16 years old and ensured I didn't get pregnant or my father would kill me. Since I didn't know the Author of Love, of course love was showed through SEX. After being in a relationship for seven (7) years, I really wonder if either of us really were in love because according to 1 Corinthians 13 .. that's a big NOPE!! We failed that love test for sure!!

It is a bit sad looking at it now, because the risks I took with my life of probably catching HIV or STD ... dammm!!! SIN CAN REALLY BLIND YOU... 

A man can be in love with the sex and not with you. If you only went on a few dates he does not even really know you, he knows what you show him. If you sleep with him that can clog up his thinking. That is why later down the road when he realizes he wasn't in to you, he was just into the sex, he moves on to the next one. A few dates or even a few years does not mean a man knows you or loves you. So do it God's way. God will give you what you need.

I've learnt that a guy that truly cares about you will a) Wait for sex - sex truly complicates things as we are driven by emotions and lust that we are blinded from the true intentions of this person.  b) If he really wants you, he will put a ring on it! c) If he doesn't know God, he truly cannot know love. 


My worth was wrapped up in education, career and accomplishments. So I didn't even realize that I didn't know who I was or what I was about. In order for us to know our true worth, we must know GOD. When you know your worth, you will not settle to be a man's side-chick, baby-momma, friend with benefits, 'ride n die' or even his girlfriend... if that man truly wants you, he will make you his wife. 

As mothers, it's obvious we have a certain level of sexual experience and the enemy will try to use this to get you to start thinking that you are not worth the wait. You can have 2 or 5 children, you are more than worth it to GOD!! So you have to continuously renew your mind that you are a new creation and God has completely restored and forgiven you. Look at these Scriptures and see what God says about you .. and GOD is not man that He can lie!!!  
(Hosea 14:4, Ezekiel 36:25 & 2 Corinthians 5:17). 

So today I share this blog, not to seem like I have it all together because I'm a work-in-progress... but I really want to encourage someone (male & female) to choose Purity over Pleasure! 
Sex might be pleasurable but the penalty can be so detrimental. Sinning against your body (the temple of God) leaves so much scars and can truly mess up you life.  I am telling you it can be done!!! 

No body on this earth is worth your soul, and continuing to indulge in fornication and sexual immorality has eternal penalties. 

Purity is not a religious choice but it is something I choose to do to show God how much I love Him and I love myself! 

For my young ladies, please please please, I beg you wait!! Sex really not running away and your vagina won't spoil (sorry to be so forward)!! 

It is so possible and it is so worth waiting on GOD to send you a husband who will honor you by marrying you before sharing your prize possession. 


Who Son sets free is free indeed!!! 

God loves you so much... and I do too:-)

To God be the Glory****


Feel free to email me: 

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Heart of Worship (Seek God more)

For the past couple of weeks, so many thoughts have been plaguing me and I found myself so scared to the point of crying for days. I kept crying out to God so much on behalf of my family, friends, the nation, unbelievers and especially believers. 

Recently, I attended a Singles Retreat in Florida and can I tell you I did not attend just another session about singleness. This retreat was far more than trying to tell us to accept our single status or preparing for a spouse but it really challenged me to prepare for my marriage with Christ and preparing for eternity. During a visit to my sister, Itohan's church, God started to download so much into my Spirit about how caught up many of us are in doing things for Him yet we don't know Him. Many of us are so busy serving in many ministries at church, leading services and even preaching about Him yet we don't spend anytime with Him. We have accepted a form of godliness yet denying the true power of God (2 Timothy 3:5)
 Many of us know the Word of God but not the God of the Word!! 

I wept bitterly!! 

Sometimes we believe that we love God and try prove this by our works while God is saying HE wants a relationship with us. Honestly, I really had to cry out to God and ask Him to help me to love Him with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind (Matthew 22:37).  I had to beg God to help me to have a daily encounter with Him, help me to seek His heart and not His hands, help me to truly know Him and not settle with knowing about Him, help my worship and relationship with Him to be real and not for a show!! 

God knows how scared I am to be posting on Facebook about Him, sharing blogs, preaching the Gospel, being celibate and doing things in His name then on the day when I see Him face to face hear 'Depart from me, I know you not' (Matthew 7:21-23). 

If we truly understand that everything we are busy seeking is so so temporary, we would yearn deeper for a Heart of Worship. 

So yes I want a husband but guess what marriage is temporary,  yes I love my daughter but guess what motherhood is temporary, yes I want to serve and do great things for God but guess what ministry is temporary... ONLY MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS ETERNAL!! 

My relationship with God is the only thing that is lasting; because there will be no marriage, ministry or career in heaven. So yes, I can desire these things but daily I have to ensure that I am not so earthly-minded that I am no heavenly-good. 

I wrote a blog couple months ago about Modern Day Idolatry and I encourage you to check it out because it is so easy for us to be caught up in so many things that God is no longer a priority. 

Friends, I beg you to check yourself daily.. Ensure that you are not so in love with the creation that you desert the Creator! If you feel you need help, reach out to someone or drop me an email and I will pray with you. 


I truly love each and everyone of you and I pray you will be challenged to truly repent and seek God some more! 

Let us pray
Dear Abba Father, teach me to love you with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. Help me to have a true heart of worship and diligently seek you every single day. Lord, I ask that you give me a new encounter with you and help me to have an authentic relationship with you. God I ask you for increase my appetite for your Word, let me hunger and thirst for your righteousness and seek your heart and not your hands. Forgive me Jesus for being so caught up in temporary things. Holy Spirit lead me and have your way. In Jesus' name. Amen

Check out this song by D Murphy.. It has been on replay for weeks! 

Also check out this sermon from my favorite female minister, Heather Lindsey

To God to be Glory**** 


Feel free to email me with questions or concerns at