Thursday 29 January 2015

Conquering Fear in High Heels

A couple months ago my church hosted a 3-Day Evangelism Street meeting in the Kencot community; and I was asked to give a testimony. Now, as a Christian one of the things that comes naturally is giving a testimony because it really blesses the hearts of people and encourages unbelievers that we serve a Great Big Wonderful GOD. But for some reason when asked I said NO. In my head, all I kept thinking was we are on the road, possibly many of the persons I partied with who knew me when I lived in sin will be there and what will they think? Honestly, FEAR took me over. 

Driving home after the first night of the meeting, I got really convicted. I felt like I disappointed God so I started to pray. As I prayed, I was reminded of  2 Timothy Chapter 1 verse 7 - "For God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline". 
That means if the Word of God says I have power then I "HAVE" power to trample on fear. This led to a message I was inspired to write, which I am now sharing with you--- Conquering Fear in High Heels!

I am a super big fan of high heels! As I reflected on what this message meant, three steps came to me on how I can use something that comes so natural (walking in high heels) to conquer the fears that may plague me. 

Fear is one of the biggest stronghold in any human life. We fear failure, death, heartbreak, losing our jobs etc. Single people fear not finding their true love, Married people fear divorce or being cheated on, Men fear not being able to provide for their family and the list goes on. When fear is our motivation to act or not act we have to learn to check or recheck ourselves because that fear will stop us from getting many opportunities if we allow it.

Satan has really used this emotion to cripple Christians and the world. But, God has equipped us in His word to trample on fear and conquer our stronghold. So what does this have to do with high heels?

1) Step Out of Your Comfort Zone - If you decide to put on a 5 inch heels then its not as comfortable as walking barefooted. In a 5 inch heels you are elevated five feet higher than if you were barefooted. You may ask Crystal what can 5 inches do? Think if you want to reach in the cupboard for ketchup, if you tipped on your toes, you get an extra 2 inches and then you might be able to reach it. It seem small but you actually get the ketchup you wanted aye? In other word, the "5 inches" gained on your current height gives you an elevation to reach something you couldn't normally. Going back to fear, if you elevate (raise or lift or upgrade) your thoughts and take a step you would be surprise how quicker you will get to your destination. But you first must step out of your comfort zone. For example, I need a new job - your '5 inches' could mean Step Out and register for a new course to upgrade your skills, get help with your interviewing techniques, go out and get your 'power" outfit, actually APPLY for the job etc. 
Get out of the same level of doubt, raise yourself by stepping into that "5 inch"and step out of that comfort zone.

2) Keep your Eyes on your Destination - When you are in the heels, you are now forced to walk a certain way. You cannot put on a 5 inch heel and walk as though you are barefooted or you will trip over. You are now forced to walk with an ounce of confidence, because you certainly don't want to fall when passing that handsome guy:-) Similarly with fear, even when we know we don't always have it together, you must trod with some confidence (even if we have to fake it initially). Think of the Story of Peter stepping out in the water, he was going so well until he lost the confidence in Christ then he started to sink. It's similar with us, once we start allowing the distractions and doubts to kick in then we start to lose our "confidence" and we get back to that place of fear or sometimes sink even further. We lose sight of where we intended to go. Of course, please note.. once Peter took his eyes off the destination, he lost confidence. Keep your eyes on the destination!! 

3) Practice makes you more confident - Practicing constantly walking in your 'heels' (faith). The more practice, the more confident you become. After you've started walking elevated and confidently, the high heels get more comfortable. You build your faith by applying it to small things and as you exercise your faith more often then you will be able to do greater things. 
When Jesus walked on the water, he trod confidently because He knew His destination plus He knew He has power, love and a sound-mind to trample on fear. (Of course, He is GOD so He can do anything) but we can follow Christ by truly trusting in the God we serve and practice taking faith to build your confidence.

So, I tried these steps that night and I gave my testimony. Once, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took the mic, I kept my eyes on the destination which was to share the wonderful things the Lord has done in my life and even though I was nervous at first, the more I spoke the more confident I became and I was able to Conquer that Fear in my High Heels. 

Doesn't make sense to you? Hush!! Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.

FAITH conquers Fear!!

The thing with fear is, once you conquer it in one area it creeps up on other areas but I am now constantly trying to remind myself of these steps because there is so much more than I can do  and achieve once I conquer certain fears. 

So, I encourage you to "Put on your High Heels" - pray and ask the Lord to guide you as you take each step towards conquering your fear. You will step out not as yourself but as an elevated and confident woman. After awhile, it will come natural! 

 To God to be Glory**** 


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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Caring... Sharing... Giving...(My Challenge to you)

Sitting at my desk after work... Listening to sermons and thinking... Lord, what is my purpose?
For over a year I've been asking myself this question and I am yet to come up with one definite answer. Reflecting on the Crystal I was in January 2014, she is surely not the same person. The spiritual growth is amazing and surprising, even for me. I would hear over and over that God has a calling on my life, but understanding what that meant would take a courage I never thought I possessed.

What I do now, is my passion... My passion to help everyone (which can be a weakness some people may consider) but for me it just comes naturally. It truly breaks my heart to see a young lady unable to achieve her full potential because of lack of funds, support or even the self- motivation. It truly breaks my heart to see a child being abused, robbed of their dreams or just cast aside by society. It truly breaks my heart to see young men refusing to step up to fulfill their roles as leaders, fathers and providers. Then I am constantly reminded, I am one person, so what can I do?
I mean, I myself lack the resources and funding to really help, so what can I really do?

I remember growing up, I always wanted to be a Politician. For me, that was the best way to have access to enough resources to help as much people as possible. Growing up in the 'ghetto', not many persons had parents like mine who pushed their children to get the best possible education. For us, that was the way out. Education is the key to success!! So, I grew up driven. But that's me.. What about the young lady in the inner city whose mother doesn't know any other way than go to school to ninth grade then go "look a wuk" or the young lady who thinks having a man is the answer to her problems, 'as long as him a mine me it nuh matter?'.  What about the young man who knows no other way out than stealing, killing, smoking, partying and survival of the fittest?
Plus people outside of the inner city would look down on 'ghetto' people and scoff and pass harsh judgement. But we know socialization can affect our lives drastically (not going into that).

Then, I think about Christianity. What role do Christians play? Someone comes to church, we try to convince them to get saved or baptized, they have no job or no income earner, not sure where the next meal is coming from but all we have to offer is Prayer!! That cannot be the case. After the church service, people still have real issues and we know our God can change every and any circumstance, but aren't we His disciples? Aren't we called to love as Christ loves us?

It cannot be that every Sunday I go to church praying, listening to sermons, singing and worshiping God, but Monday to Saturday we are busy with our own lives. Yes, many of us are ministry leaders, deacons and pastors, but outside of the church walls, we are not God's servants.

If we say we are daily trying to be like Jesus, we must do more. We must care more. Our lives cannot be so consumed by our career, education, material success and our own family. Everywhere Jesus went, He fed the people, He healed the sick, He offered practical assistance as much as He can. This is what we should also imitate.

Yes, we can comment ALL day about what the Politicians are not doing but what are we doing as Christians? I love the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew 25:31-46 (please read it) -- This parable tells us it's not just what we do that gets us into heaven. Even if we keep all the commandments and go to church every Sunday and participate in every church event we are considered a true Child of God, but what didn't we do that we ought to. This includes feeding the hungry, giving someone clothes who needs it, overall helping someone else that is in need. 

I don't know... Maybe it is me... But I really believe there is more for us to do. I remember in High School, I didn't have lunch money ever so often, but my best friend at the time would never let me go hungry. Even if we shared one patty, her heart of kindness and her generosity still impacts me even today.

Think about how somebody's act of kindness has impacted you.......Then.....
Imagine how your act of kindness can make a major impact in someone else's life. 

So, even if you not rich or in a big job, there is even one person you can share something with. Yes, we MUST continue praying for people, we MUST continue sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all lost souls, but we also MUST share our resources including our time, talents, money and possessions to people in need. 

Going back to the beginning.. What is my purpose? I  am still searching.. but in the meantime I will live through my passion of helping, serving and giving as my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ did:-)

I leave these scriptures with you....

To God to be Glory**** 


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Wednesday 14 January 2015

Purpose behind my Pain

Many of us live on social media living in a facade. We post these flawless pictures, we say the proper things and it appears like we have it all together. 
In reality, we don't!! 
Many of us are hurting, many of us are insecure, many of us are confused, fearful and living in deep regret.

I remember when the Lord placed it on my heart to start blogging, all I could think about is Lord everybody will see my weakness, know my bad decisions and realize sitting behind the computer lies so much imperfection. It took me months to accept that I am called to share my story, not because I really wanted to but because every story shared will show God's glory

We all have a different story, we all have the issues we face daily, fears we try to conquer and insecurities we refused to let go off. As women, the pain we feel sometimes is so devastating we don't believe we can get through it. We question God... why do I have to feel like this... why does this have to happen to me..Lord, am I such a bad person? 
Tears flowing, heart racing, every fiber in our body wants to take the last breath because maybe the end of our life would mean the end to this pain. 

There are so many contributors to our pains: Why am I not as pretty or successful as her? Why don't I get more lunch money? Why does my parents have to be so poor? Why do I have to go to my bed hungry? Why don't my parents love me more? Why is he hitting me if he says he loves me? What did I do to cause him to rape me or molest me? What am I doing so wrong why he can't stop cheating? Lord, why did my mother or father had to die? Why don't I have any friends? Why am I broke and I just got paid? Why is this neighbor so harsh towards me? Why am I stuck in the same place for so long? Why am I so lonely? Why does my boss hate me so much? Why can't I provide a better life for my child (children)? Why am I hurting so much? Why doesn't my husband understands me? Why do I have everything yet I still feel so empty? Why as I take 2 steps forward, I get pushed back 5 steps back? Why am I diagnosed with this sickness? When am I getting married? Why doesn't anyone love me?
 LORD, if you are soooo GOOD then why are you allowing this to happen to me and You say You LOVE me? 

As I write this blog, I admit I don't want to post this because people will see my brokenness, inadequacy and weakness. And come on, I am maybe the strongest person I know. But I hear a whisper.. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - " But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.""

WOW!!! Lord... I didn't even know this was in the Bible, that because of your power, in my weakness, I am being made strong. Because of your love, because of your grace.. I can endure. 

No matter how much make up we use to hide the tears, no matter how much Brazilian hair we wear, no matter how expensive or how nice our clothes are, no matter how attractive our personality seem... It cannot take away the pain. We are all going through something. We are battling daily. BUT we have a GOD that says 'Cast your cares on Him" (2 Pet.5:7). We can't move on until we accept that we are still hurting, that we are still angry, that we are still depressed, that we still haven't forgiven... It's so hard to just let it go! It's so hard to seem vulnerable! It's so hard Lord... It's so hard!! 

God will not allow the pain that you may have experienced throughout your life to be wasted. God will allow that pain that you have experienced to prepare you for your purpose and your destiny. Often times it is in the midst of our pain that we find our purpose. 
It is in the intense moments of our trials and tribulations that we make the choice to either give up and quit or persevere.

This post is not just for you, but it's for me. Going through my own broken period wondering where the tears are coming from but still have peace as I release it to Him. I know I am being healed. 

You can be healed my friend.. Just pour it out to Him. 
He reminds me there is Purpose Behind My Pain. 
I am reminding you, there is purpose behind your pain.

Somebody's life will be blessed. Somebody will be set free. Somebody will be convicted. 

We all have a calling on our life.. The Lord has purpose behind your pain.. God can heal the wounds... He can heal your broken heart (Ps.147:3)... 

Fear cannot isolate you, if you allow God's perfect love to surround you!!!!!!! 

I pray this song encourages you....

To God to be Glory**** 


Feel free to email me: 

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Brand New Free

Welcome Dear Friends.... 

On Sunday November 30, 2014 I was invited to Bearan Church of God to preach my first sermon. Now, I have never thought of myself as a preacher or even expected such a prestigious invitation but I am passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ so I was so honored to be asked. God is truly awesome!!!!

As I prayed and fasted about what my message should be about, I heard an Alicia Keys' song "Brand New Me" and even though it is not a gospel song, something ministered to me. I begun to feel free... then I heard the Lord said 'Crystal, you have found a Brand New Free (Freedom in Me)'... This totally wrecked my heart.

We grew up in a society that tells us, how we are 'free' from slavery, we are free because we can do what we want, when we want and how we want. The lost world convinces us that we can and should live anyway and that is freedom. Independence, material success and fame are synonyms to living free. Now, as a woman of God that has lived that life - partying, fornicating, busy getting degrees, buying house, car and doing all I want to do; I can say Life without Christ is a life of bondage and slavery under sin. I can stand boldly on the other side of true freedom with Jesus Christ and say He has truly set me free - BRAND NEW FREE! 

In the book of John Chapter 8 verses 31-36, Jesus spoke to the Jews about the Truth  that can set them free. Verse 34-36 states "Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

I accepted Christ in December 2009 and though nothing spectacular happened, I was really lost, empty and weary. I knew something was missing so I started going to church and it felt right. I wanted a better life, I wanted to ensure I went to heaven when I die and I knew God was good because He was always there for me and when I prayed, my prayers were answered. I lived like a "christian" for three (3) months. I couldn't manage because I was remorseful about my sins but I never repented (giving my all to God). 

Many of us accept Christ because we hear a message and it makes us emotional. We feel guilty but not convicted. We feel like we need a free ticket to heaven in case we die. I know I did.. but I didn't truly want to live for Christ. I knew God's grace, mercy and forgiveness so I rode on that and used it as an excuse to live however I pleased. But Galatians 5:13 says we should not use our freedom in Christ as an excuse to live in sin. I wanted the world, I wanted to fit in, I really didn't understand what was holiness or what being a true Christian was. 

My dear readers.. The WORLD is under slavery. Slavery of Satan! 

We live in the world where we think saying the sinner's prayer, going to church or being a 'good' person, we are free. That's a lie!!!!
Galatians 3:22 says the whole world is a prisoner because of sin. So, the only way we can be free is by truly accepting God's gift of salvation through faith and being born again. 

Many persons baptize and attend church weekly, even serve on ministries but are living in sin. Yes Christians sin, but they don't live in habitual sin. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says when we come to Christ we are a new creation, so we cannot live the same way we used to and call ourselves Christians or say we are 'Christian minded'. 
Repentance means we truly turn away from the old lifestyle and turn to Christ. Holiness means we are set apart, called to be the salt and light of the world. 

To be Brand New Free.. You must be SAVED!! You must REPENT!!! You must be HOLY!!! 

Brand New Free doesn't come easy..

1) I lost many friends (not by choice but we just didn't have the same things in common anymore)
2) I had to let go of what I thought was fun (Partying, Clubbing, Drinking, 'One drop') 
3) SEX - Yes I stopped fornicating and decided that I will save myself for my husband
4) I had to stop wearing certain clothes (start dressing modestly)
5) Stopped saying certain things (gossiping)

WAS IT HARD?? Of course!! But daily God gave me a new heart, new desires and a new nature. I started to hate sin and truly wanted to live a life for Jesus Christ. 

My Brand New Free allowed me to stop walking in condemnation and regret. 
I am free from drama.. Free from depression.. Free from lies, hurt and pain! 

I became a different person.  A prayer warrior... A mentor and role model.. A minister (preaching and evangelizing).

I am surely not perfect but I stepped out of prison (slavery under Satan) and stepped in to freedom. FREEDOM IN CHRIST!!! 

Friends you can be freed... Whatever you are facing - drugs, fornication, homosexuality, masturbation, depression, alcohol, anger, fear, pride etc. Jesus can set you free from it!!
Christ came for sinners.. He loves us so much He died for our sins. He died for our condemnation. He died for our bondage and addictions. Choose Jesus Christ TODAY!! Without Him we are nothing. What will your decision be?? God or Satan? You can't have both!

To God to be Glory**** 


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