Friday 16 September 2016

Trusting in His faithfulness (Testimony #6)

Many of us have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior (redeemer of sin and saver of souls); but we struggle with making Him the Lord (yielding to the will and control) over our lives.
I didn’t think this was an issue to me until the Holy Spirit showed me in my quiet time that the decision I made to purchase this new vehicle, I didn’t surrender it to the Lord.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 says:
Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]. – Amplified version

“If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” – Living Bible

I’m very familiar with this verse but until this long waiting period, I’ve truly recognize that this is not just a verse to recite when I think we’re “waiting” but instead it’s one of the recipe for success in our life.

I love how the Living Bible puts it, “Put God first, don’t ever trust yourself”.  That means before I make every single decision, talk to God about it. Rely on His direction. Allow Him to remove all the obstacles that may try to block my way.

As I ponder on the whole car situation, I embarrassingly admit I didn’t seek God first. I got a command to sell my old vehicle then I relied on my own finite understanding and now I’m unnecessarily in this period of excessively waiting (which sucks… sorry can Christian say suck.. hush that’s best way I can put it).

Now, overly religious people would say “that’s God’s will”… But I’ve learnt that there is God’s perfect will and His permissible will. If I follow HIS command in the first place (which is asking for His direction first and not lean on my own understanding) then He would have “crown my efforts with success”. Instead, I didn’t what I wanted to do then when things weren’t working out, I ask for His intervention (sigh).  But He is a loving God so I know He will work it out for my good eventually (Romans 8:28).

I also thought about it logically, if I had an earthly husband I would have sought His advice before I make such a decision; so why didn’t I sought my heavenly husband first?
So, I sat at my desk this morning just talking to God because the guy that is dealing with my car says I will get it today but now, he’s giving me more excuses (like what He’s been telling me for past 3 months). I got a bit annoyed and I began to pray. Then I was told to blog this lesson… (which was really challenging because no one wants to admit that they made a foolish decision by not seeking God first on such a big purchase).

I was reminded that this is not about me. I am simply a vessel. A chosen vessel.

Somebody is in the process of making some decisions in their life and it might seem like it’s the best decision but our limited understanding can easily lead us astray. Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." When we choose to direct our lives according to what seems right to us, we often reap disaster (Judges 21:25).

I’ve learnt no matter how ‘big’ or ‘small’ the decision is ASK HIM!! God sees the whole picture, while we only see our tiny bit of it. 

This has certainly been a learning experience for me. Even the clothes we wear, God cares about. How we spend our money, God cares about. How we spend our time, God cares about. Which doctor or dentist, God cares about. YES.. Like seriously He does!!

So as I end this blog, I want to close with a prayer:

Dear Lord forgive me for all the times I thought I knew the answer or I knew the way. Forgive me for going ahead of you, for trying to fight my battles on my own or trusting in my own finite wisdom. Abba, I ask that you help me to always put your first. Help me to always seek you first. Help me to surrender my ways, knowledge, wisdom and plans to you. Father have your sweet way in my life and the direct me daily, hourly and by the minute in the way you want me to go. In Jesus name. Amen 

God loves you and I love you too!!
Just a few things:
1) Please check my website and sign up on my mailing list –

2) Order my first book, Living A Royal Reality from Amazon, if you are outside of Jamaica or contact me personally if you in Jamaica. 

Order Your
3) Remember I sell t-shirts various styles and colours on sale for Ja. $1,200 You can order yours at email: telephone #(876) 540-4863



I stood in the bus almost in tears.
My feet ached. Christelle was asleep in a stranger’s lap. The rain was pouring heavily and I had 3 bags. To top it all off, I left my bank card so I had no money to get dinner… sighL
In my mind I’m thinking, “Lord, the walk to my house is so long and it’s raining… really?”
To be honest, it has been a rough two weeks. It’s almost like the warfare has intensified and I felt my faith getting shaky.
There are days that I’m pumped and decide to keep fighting; while there are other times when I feel like this is just too much.
I’ve been sharing my journey of “Trusting in God’s faithfulness”.  However, it seems like every time I post a blog, the battle gets hotter and I decided I just won’t blog anymore until my breakthrough comes.
I began to get anxious, weary and overwhelmed.
God is working in the background. I can feel it because He has come through in so many ways, but even those areas don’t feel like it’s enough.
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28
So, I have had to make a conscious decision to go to God daily and give Him these burdens. Every. Single. One. The financial and work burdens, I say God here take it. The being a single mother burden – I leave it your hands. The ministry, church, car issues, relationships and my business…..take the case Father because You know best.
The Greek for “rest’ is anapauĆ³ which means ease or refresh.
Lord, please give me some ease I pray and refresh me daily, but sometimes it feels the answers to my prayers aren’t coming. All He keeps saying is He is in control.
“Arghhhh… God I know you are in control so please act anytime soon.. Please and Thanks” (in my baby voice).
His response once again is “Crystal…. I AM IN CONTROL”.

Okay Lord…
So I turn on my worship music, I start praying for somebody else, I decide to listen to a sermon and read more of His Word.
Can you relate to this?
I wanted to wait until my breakthrough came before I posted another blog, but I know God wants me to share this lesson in the middle of the storm. HE IS IN CONTROL!
I know Jehovah.. the Great I AM.. is bigger and more than capable to handle every and any situation I may be facing. My only job now is to trust in His Sovereignty that He will do it in His timing and not mine. Now that’s the hard part….
So, I speak His promises over my life and remind myself:
“Lean not on my own understanding”….
“He’s my refuge and my strong tower”….
“He has great plans for my life”…
“He can do exceedingly more than I can imagine”
“The Lord is with me wherever I go”
I feel His peace. I feel His presence. I feel assurance. I feel hope.
So back to my bus episode… I got to my stop and the rain suddenly ceased.
I walked to the nearby shop to get Christelle something to eat and I saw a neighbor who gave me a ride to my apartment. In the midst of my worry God showed up and reminded me that He is faithful.
 “After the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing.” – 1 Kings 19:12
Jehovah came through again and I wait in expectancy for Him to do it again.
God loves you and I love you too!!

Just a few things:
1) Please check my website and sign up on my mailing list –

2) Order my first book, Living A Royal Reality from Amazon, if you are outside of Jamaica or contact me personally if you in Jamaica. 
Order Your
3) Remember I sell t-shirts various styles and colours on sale for Ja. $1,200 You can order yours at email: telephone #(876) 540-4863

Trusting in His Faithfulness (Part 5)

A few months ago, God laid it on my heart to share the journey I’m going through. Many times people are deceived to come into Christianity to believe serving God means getting everything you want and life will be easier and that is so not the case. Even as believers, we go through various tests to help us grow in faith and develop our perseverance which matures us to be more like Christ.

Honestly, I would prefer to wait until the testimony comes and the victory is won, than to share my vulnerability while being tested. But this life is not about me, it’s about giving God the glory whether circumstances are good or bad.
So, I shared that the Lord led me to sell my vehicle over 5 months ago. With all my heart I knew this was an instruction from God; even though many times over the last couple of months I’ve questioned if it was me being greedy and wanting a new vehicle or it was really Him.  But every time I questioned it, I realized that my faith was being shaken and if my faith is shaken then it will have a ripple effect on who I am as a child of God. So, I know without a shadow of a doubt, this command was given by God and I needed to be obedient.
Update of the vehicle.. Well, the funds were provided, finally got the concession sorted out and paid for the vehicle expecting within 2 – 3 weeks (early July), I would have had the vehicle. It’s almost the end of August but still no word, all I keep hearing next week but next week hasn’t come yet. I’ve gotten frustrated, disappointed and even anxious during this period because I can’t understand what is causing the delay. This is really annoying especially with back-to-school just around the corner.
In my quiet time, God has been speaking to me about many aspects of my life. Every time I seek Him about the vehicle, He reminds me that He is in control and I must be patient. Can I tell you how waiting sucks sometimes!!
I started to reflect on the past 5 months and what it has been like. I have recognized that not having a car has actually been a blessing. When I stop looking on what I don’t have and start truly reflecting on all I’ve learnt during this season, actually it’s been one of the best season in my Christian life regarding my spiritual growth and awareness.
  • Since I don’t have a vehicle, I have been able to truly ‘be still’ and humble myself before God. I am normally miss-busy-body so I am everywhere trying to do everything. Not having a vehicle, I’ve been spending far more time in God’s presence, reading more, listening to more faith-filled messages, completed my website, writing more and I’ve been able to truly get focus on building my business and honing my skills and knowledge to become a Kingdom Entrepreneur. Honestly, the knowledge I’ve gained over the past couple of months has truly been life-changing and preparing me for the next season of my life… God is so faithful! 
  •  Not having a vehicle has also helped me to be a bit more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. My discernment has certainly increased and the true intentions of many persons that I thought were genuine were revealed. I’ve learnt to believe God the first time He tells me something about someone and not try to ‘change’ them or believe what I see on the surface. More and more, I recognized the enemy can truly use anyone against you, if they allow themselves to be used…God is so faithful! 
  • I have also been learning about myself and some ungodly characteristics about myself that God needed to truly ‘cut away’. My bad spending habits, my occasional lying tendencies, being an emotional wreck sometimes, being manipulative to get my own way and also my lack of self-control regarding mouth management (I can be too feisty sometimes). To others these might seem minor, but to God they have very big implications. There is no small sin, sin is sin and I’m called to be holy, righteous and blameless before Him (Hebrews 12:14 & 1 Peter 1:14-16). I must be conscious that I am not living for myself but I am representing Christ in everything I do…God is so faithful!
I could go on and on, but I wanted to share those specific lessons because I want to challenge you to look at your ‘waiting’ season as a blessing also. Not having a job, going through a divorce, being broke, being single, losing a love one or waiting on your next breakthrough might seem like a punishment but I guarantee it is not. Even in this season of waiting, God is trying to reveal our hearts and intentions to us. Many of us, think we love God until He is no longer giving us all we think we deserve.
Will we still serve God if He never answers another prayer? Is He still God when we lose everything that He has given us? Do we believe He is still faithful when things are bad and we can’t explain what is going on? 
These are the questions, I’m challenged to reflect on in this season of my life.
I daily choose to trust God that He knows what is best for my life. Sometimes, I do cry and struggle with negative feelings. But feelings are so temporary. This is not out of doubting He will come through but honestly, I just really want to ensure I am in His Will and being obedient in everything I do. 
My heart’s desire is to ensure God is pleased with my life.. Car or no car, job or no job, single or taken .. Be encouraged …God is still faithful~

God loves you and I love you too!!

Just a few things:
1) Please check my website and sign up on my mailing list –
2) My first book launched on Amazon on August 18th “Living A Royal Reality”. My book launch party is this Saturday at 8 Ruthven Road.. Please come out and support. 
Crystal Daye Book Launch Flyer
3) Remember I sell t-shirts various styles and colours on sale for Ja. $1,200 You can order yours at email: telephone #(876) 540-4863