Tuesday 14 April 2015

Where we are from, DOES NOT determines who we are!

It has been heavy on my heart to remind someone that where you were born does not determine who you are. There are many things in life you cannot control like: who your parents are and where you were born is not something we have a choice about. What I do know is that God has the same plan for the person who was adopted as the person who was born in wedlock. He has the same plan for the person born Arnett Gardens (inner city) as the person born in Cherry Gardens (uptown). He has the same plan for the person who doesn't have one person in their family with a degree as the person who has five doctors in their family.

This plan is found in Jeremiah 29:11, where He says He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us.  Romans 8:28 says He will work All things together for good. Jeremiah 1:3 says He formed us in our mother’s womb.  These three scriptures have sealed our future and qualify the statement that ‘where we are from, DOES NOT determines who we are”.

I have so many friends and have seen so many persons rose from the stereotypical thinking that they cannot be successful because they did not come from a good family or they did not have money.  So, maybe your weren't consider the brightest person growing up, maybe you can’t afford all the ‘bling’ outfits to be the popular kid in school, maybe you live in a board house with zinc roof or maybe you have no one encouraging you, maybe you were molested or you lost someone very close to you. Yes… Life gets tough... Life gets rough… But today I am telling you that YOU STILL HAVE PURPOSE.

There comes a point in ALL our lives that we have choices to make. You can either choose to let your circumstances define you or daily put in the hard work and go get all you have ever dream about.

People will always have negative things to say about you. People will always criticize and try to hold you down. These same people can be your friends, your teachers or even parents. But you need to find that internal motivation, find that self-drive to push pass naysayers and start thinking positive (your attitude is your biggest asset). 

Your future is already determined – Success is yours. But you must CHOOSE if you want to take it or allow people or circumstances to hinder you from getting it. 

Though we pass through many difficulties in life, we should not give up because life is not about what you couldn't do so far, it's about what you can still do so NEVER GIVE UP! 

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Beauty in the Eyes of the Creator

We always hear the phrase 'Beauty in the eyes of the beholder' and believe this is true. This common phrase tells us that beauty is determined by each person's opinion and the observer decided who or what is beautiful. Today I come to tell you that is a LIE from the pit of hell.
Beauty is in the eyes of the Creator!! 
So what society says or feels doesn't determine how beautiful we are but God who created us has already determined that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

Growing up, I was not considered the 'prettiest' girl according to society's standards. I was short, very skinny, my face was filled with acne, nappy hair and dark-skinned. In primary school, of course the guys did not like me to be their girlfriend.. I was just like one of the guys (played football and wasn't 'girlie' or pretty enough). My hair wasn't long, I wasn't brown-skinned, my parents certainly didn't have money and I just wasn't so popular.

So, I remember after my best friends and I at the time, passed our Common Entrance Exam and we were very excited we were attending the same high school. We knew that certain aspects of our physical appearance needed to change so we could get a little more noticed or just a little more popular. So we started to run onion and escallion on our breasts, because we were told it would make them grow bigger; and which guy doesn't like big 'boobs'?... So, when that didn't work, we wore skimpy clothes (when we could get away with it), this made us feel more attractive especially as the curves grew and this got the boys' attention.
I tell you my background because now being a child of God, I have learnt some lessons about beauty and making friends with the mirror which I want to share with you.

Women of all ages, ethnic group, nationality, social status and background ALL suffer with the reality of trying to look beautiful to fit to society's standards. We spend time and energy criticizing and critiquing our facial features, body and hair. Some women think they are the most beautiful that ego and pride takes over and they think they are better than another person; while some don't even like looking in the mirror because what they see doesn't measure up with what is on television, magazine, celebrities, fashion designers etc.

I ask you this question... when you look in the mirror what do you see? Are you thankful for God's creation or critical of His handiwork. It is very challenging to find a healthy balance of vanity/pride and low self-confidence.

What is true beauty?
These scriptures tells us what the Creator of beauty has to say about where it comes from. It doesn't say we cannot dress nicely but outer beauty fades, but true beauty radiates from the inside, a heart that delights in the Lord. 

To appear beautiful women bleaches their skin because black is deemed not pretty enough, they tattoo and have piercings all over their bodies, they must wear Brazilian weave, they starve themselves to loose weight, they wear skimpy clothes because that is what gets the most 'likes' on social media, plastic surgery, liposuction, implants, constant makeup and 'extreme makeovers'. 

Without wanting to admit it most times we do these things to gain popularity, get guys attention, we feel more acceptable and overall gain that sex appeal. We compromise our worth many times to fit in the way of the world. 

Today my blog is not to criticize or scold or judge you if you have done anything to 'enhance' your beauty but I write to encourage, motivate and empower us women to discover and accept that true beauty radiates from within and ultimately brings glory to God because it draws others to want to know Him as they get to know us better.  

Song of Solomon 4:7 says "All beautiful you are, my beautiful, there is no flaw in you'". 
It doesn't matter what your mother say, your friends say, your teacher say, your enemies say, your classmates say, society says..... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and UNIQUE!!

So what makes you unique? Is it the space between your teeth? Is it the 'plug' nose? Is it the 'buff' teeth? Is it the glasses you wear? Is it the spots on your legs? Is it scar on your face or the acne? Is it your dark skin? Is it the thickness of your bones that gives you that unique physique? Is it the size 12 shoes your wear? Is it the nappy hair? Is it 'K' shaped legs? 
Whatever makes you different, does not make you less attractive!!! 

Our God is a God of uniqueness and variety. We all won't look the same. 

Winning pageants, getting guys attention, wearing a size 6 dress or getting '50' likes  does not determine how beautiful you are. 
Bleaching your skin, wearing weaves, tattoos or piercing on your body, wearing half-naked clothes or make-up does not make you beautiful.

You are beautiful because God made you beautiful.. Without any enhancements or additions you are beautiful.... Because God says you are beautiful.... But through a pure heart then the inner beauty will radiates into an even more confident beautiful woman. 

The next time you are quick to say that girl's nose is too big, that girl is too fat, she can't dress, she is ugly ... Remember you are not only critiquing her but you are also criticizing God's awesome creation. And just like how you are criticizing her, there is someone criticizing you!! 

Let us empower..motivate.. uplift each other with kind and encouraging words:-) 

To God be the Glory****


Feel free to email me: shachene@gmail.com