About me

Woman of God destined to do great things in His name; I believe that I am a Chosen Vessel by Jesus Christ to share the gospel, encourage women to live a purpose-driven life and share my testimony to give God ALL the Glory!!! 

Hello.... My name is Crystal Daye, a 27 year old passionate, determined, purpose-driven and focused Christian who aim to achieve the best in all that I pursue. I graduated as a top student from the Convent of Mercy "Alpha Academy",  possess a BSc. in Management Studies and am currently completing my Masters of Business Administration (MBA). I also a completed a Certificate in Biblical Studies at Portmore Bible Academy.

Although I was a party girl and living contrary to the Word of God, the Lord has always had His hands upon my life. Even before I got saved, I could see that God had great plans for me to do work in His kingdom but I was too stubborn to surrender. I was baptized in December 2009 but I lived a double-life: partying, fornicating and doing whatever I pleased but still attended church on Sundays to make myself feel better. In October 2011, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl, Christelle Garriques and that's when I really recognized the voice of God and the saw the hands of God in my life. It still took me another 2 years before I totally surrendered my whole being to God and today I am chosen vessel, proud mother, worshipper, prayer warrior, royal priesthood and minister of the gospel. 

 I had a rough life growing up in poverty but at an early age my parents taught me that "Education was the key to success". So I was an achiever all through school and after high school I started working and going to university part time; and strive to excel academically and professionally. 

I am totally in love with God and I am passionate about sharing His love to everyone. I believe that 'All things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose'- Romans 8:28. So every test, trial, struggle or brokenness that I faced, I know God will use my testimony to bless the hearts of many and He deserves ALL the glory and honor for the woman I am today. 

Christelle is my main motivator to be a better mother and role model. I have a passion for young ladies and really want to encourage them to be set apart and not conform to the world's standards but to God's standard. I enjoy writing, reading, cooking and planning events

Thank you very much for visiting this blog... After months of being instructed by God to use my writing gift to minister, encourage and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through  my experiences and testimonies. I had to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and share what the Lord placed on my heart. I pray you will be blessed. 

To God be the Glory***


  1. Beautiful testimony, and yes all things work together for the good...thank God for your life and Christelle....continue to be a blessing to people and you have been an inspiration to me!

  2. The Lord has really cleaned you up my child

  3. The Lord has really cleaned you up my child

  4. My sweet daughte, I am so proud of you

  5. My sweet daughte, I am so proud of you
