Friday 27 May 2016

Overcoming Discouragement

I recognize for the past couple of weeks, I've been battling with feelings of discouragement trying to attack me. I recognize the attack and sometimes I'm able to overcome it but at other times, it just wears me down and for short periods of time I throw pity parties. 

Feelings of discouragement can be caused by fear of the unknown, failures in your endeavors or frustration about a situation. These situations lead to worry, fatigue, annoyance and ultimately discontentment. 

Honestly, I couldn't pray about the situation because the feelings were truly empowering me.  This time I decided I was not going to Google any sermons or blogs to help get me out of this "feeling" but I reminded myself that I have already been equipped to fight this battle so it's time to use it. 

So how did I overcome these feelings of discouragement?

1) I asked others to pray for me: I'm so glad I'm not too embarrassed or proud to seek prayers and share my feelings. I don’t care about being judged because I need help and I refuse to be defeated. So I sent my friends messages about how I felt and asked them to pray for me. 

Matthew 18:19  - Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in Heaven.

Honestly, I could literally feel the prayers of the saints going up in Heaven on my behalf and the 'feelings' started to leave me. 

2) I listened to worship music: I love music. I believe it opens the atmosphere for the presence of God to dwell. So I started playing some worship music and even though I might not have been praying myself, but the songs were soaking in my subconscious and I felt so encouraged. 

Psalm 108:1 - My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul.

3) I prayed for others: I felt like I couldn't pray for myself so I didn't. I decided not to focus on myself but instead I started to pray for others. So many people are going through stuff, possibly even worse than I am. So I went in my prayer book and started interceding on their behalf. This was such a blessing for me, as I prayed for others; I know God is already dealing with my issues. 

Overall, I truly had to remind myself of different scriptures and choose to believe God's promises over my life. I won't pretend that the issues disappeared or all the problems have been solved; but daily I choose to believe that His plan for my life is to give me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11) and I know Fruit is being produced within me. So, in the process I'm becoming more patient, more faithful, self-controlled, joyful and I do have a peace that surpasses ALL understanding. 

So, I encourage you, if you're feeling discouraged, worried, stressed or simply battling with feelings of disappointments... Try these steps. Ask someone to pray for you, listen to some worship music and take your eyes off your situation by praying for someone else... It will truly help you to become more content in this process as this season won't last. So don't give up!! 

Trust in God's promises.. He's working it out!! 

John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

God loves you and I love you too!! 

Hope you have a blessed weekend... 

To God to be Glory**** 

Listen to these songs.. They've truly been a blessing to me: 

Monday 2 May 2016

You're ROYAL through The Blood!

So, most of you know I am in the process of publishing my first book. It has been long overdue but all things in God's timing so I'm trusting Him to lead this project. 

The title of the book is 'Living A Royal Reality'.. This was the theme of the 1st She's Royal Empowerment Conference held last year. I am not quite ready to release much details about the book just yet, but I pray that you guys will truly be impacted when it is released:-)

In my quiet time recently, I had a revelation that I want to share with you and I do hope it will have a profound impact on you. 

Everyone knows the royal family of England (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Williams and some others that I don't know their name) but recently a new baby was born Princess Charolette. Now this baby girl is born just like every other babies in this world. Her mother carried her for nine months, she was delivered, she poop, she cries, she teeth and she does everything like any other normal baby. But based on her family 'status' of being apart of the royal family, she has the title of Princess. Since this baby girl was born a normal baby she obviously cannot simply act like royalty automatically. Instead her title is now molding who she is becoming... A princess! This means she has to walk different, talk different, she can't hang around certain persons, she dresses different, eats different, in other words based on her title she is now being 'set apart' from millions of other little girls around the world. But how does this happen? 
Possibly, she has a code of conduct book, she has trainers or mentors, family support and her mindset now has to change in order to fit with her new title. 

Then I started to think about the Kingdom... the kingdom of God... 

Do you agree that God is the ultimate all-powerful King? 

That means if we are His children, then we are princesses (royalties) right?? 

So why don't we believe this? Why don't we behave like this? Why don't we speak like this? Why aren't we accepting this? 

Yes before Christ we were slaves...yes before Christ we were ordinary...yes before Christ we were peasants. 

But now, through faith in Jesus Christ we are children of The King  (Galatians 3:26) which means we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:17). 

Just like, Princess Charolette, we have to accept our title as Royalty. We have to accept we are called to be 'set apart' (Hebrews 10:10). We have to talk different, dress different and think different from the regular peasants (unbelievers). The guidelines are found in the code of conduct (The Bible), we need mentors and trainers (Pastors, Intercessors, Prayer Warriors) and we need a family support (The Church and our accountability partners). 

Our mindset must be renewed (Romans 12:2) and think pure thoughts (Philippians 4:8)

Ladies, you are ROYAL (princesses and queens) through The Blood.. of Jesus Christ! 

Royalties, it's time to accept our identity and embrace being apart of the Royal Family!! 

Let's act, speak, dress and think like Royalty! 

Remember the devil wants that crown, don't let him rob you of your inheritance... 

God loves you and I love you too!! 

Hope you have a blessed week... 

God bless you.

To God to be Glory**** 