Friday 8 January 2016

Happy 1 year Blog Anniversary:-)

WOW... It's been 1 year since I posted my first blog and God has truly been so faithful!! 

Happy 1 year Blog Anniversary:-)

I've always been a writer, I don't know where I get so much thoughts from but as far back as 11 years old, I remember keeping journals (I still have them). Even though I love writing, I never thought it was good enough to share with others. I had dreams of becoming an author (in far future) but it was never something I tried pursuing or even thought about. But I can say God truly sees our deep heart's desires and He will use our gifts and passion to bring Him Glory!  

My journals from age 11 years.... 

Why did I start blogging?

I remember in August 2014, when God told me to come off social media for 3 months.. I was like why God come on, I am sharing the Gospel on Facebook, sending devotions on whatsapp and all these things for you. Then He said.. 'Crystal you are not their Savior, I AM".. I was so embarrassed! 
Then I shared with a friend that God had told me to take a break from social media and my he said he agreed because my phone is an idol. I was so insulted but it was true. 
So I had to be obedient to God!!

During my 3 months fast from social media, God truly worked on me! I sought God with all my heart.. Read many books, blogs, listened 4-5 sermons daily, prayed, fasted and just begged God daily to work on me and reveal my true purpose. It was during this time, God placed the blog on my heart along with many ministry ideas. It was such a blessed season even though it was a bit scary some of the things He was telling me to do.

I struggled to step out in faith and not worry about what people would think of me, so I asked many persons to pray for me so I would be obedient to His commands. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted people to know so much about me. I am not very secretive but I was just not at a place where I wanted others to judge me. But.. I had to be obedient to God!!!! 

How did I get the name 'Chosen Vessel'? 

One day as I sought God about the blog thing, I heard the Holy Spirit clearly said 'You are a Chosen Vessel'. I did not know what that means so I started to research because I didn't think there was anything super special about me for me to say I was "Chosen" and even though I am special.. I didn't know what I was chosen to do! That same afternoon, I went to prayer meeting at church, nobody knew my about the blog idea because I wasn't sure I would do it but at the prayer session, I got paired with the Prayer Team leader, Sis Lola. She shared her prayer request with me and when it was time for me to share, I simply told her that I believe God is leading me to do something and I just needed prayer to be obedient.So, she interceded on my behalf. She prayed about God using my gifts for His glory and said God will use me to touch many lives.. I WAS SO SHOCKED! It didn't stop there.. when she finished praying.. she said   "God says you are a Chosen Vessel and He has called you for a purpose".. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! THAT WAS MY CONFIRMATION!!

How has blogging impacted me? 

When I read the blogs I've written over the past 1 year, I am in total awe. I know I did not write those blogs.. Every single blog has been written by the Holy Spirit! I told God I won't blog because I seeking to be popular or just to tell people my business. I only write when God has truly burden my heart about a topic. So when I read over the blogs, I am so encouraged, blessed and sometimes so convicted. 

It is also such an overwhelming feeling when persons email me to tell me that my blog has truly blessed them. I get many emails from women from places like United States, Nassau, London, Canada even Ghana. I had no expectations at all when I started blogging but I simply wanted to be obedient. I've truly learnt that it is never about my feelings or my desires but it is always ALL about God's glory! 

I want to say THANK YOU.. THANK YOU.. THANK YOU TO ALL THE PERSONS WHO READ AND FOLLOW MY BLOG... I truly appreciate the support, the love and encouragement  to continue walking in God's will. I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH! 

Thank you so much for reading my blog:-)

My encouragement to someone today -- Don't delay one more day! Whatever God has told you to do, JUST DO IT! I have learnt that someone's breakthrough might be dependent on our obedience. We are called to help each other so don't think your story is too small or too dramatic to share. BE OBEDIENT! 
My joy.. My passion.. My gift.. WRITING!! ALL FOR GOD'S GLORY:-)

This advice is not just for you but again, everything I write is always for me also. So after seeking God for months and months, I am being obedient and writing my first book - 'Living a Royal Reality'. Last year, as I prepared my sermon for the She's Royal Empowerment Conference, God downloaded so much information that He said its more than just a sermon but it is also my first book title. I was a bit overwhelmed but I know I just need to stay in His will and He will work out all the details. So look out for it before the end of the year* yikes!!! 

At She's Royal Conference 2015
Sharing at the Royal Within Worship Experience 

God loves you.. and so do I!! 

God bless you.

To God to be Glory**** 
