Wednesday 30 December 2015

Diary of a Single Woman (Singles Blues!!)

Is it me? Or does it seem like this Christmas everyone is getting engaged, getting married, celebrating anniversary or simply coupling up? 

I've heard about the Holiday Singles Blues but I truly never experienced it until this Christmas!! 

Normally, I would be so busy over the holiday but this Christmas I decided to spend my time home just chilling with Chrissy, reading and spending time with God. I didn't go on social media very much either, for most of the days I turned my data plan off so I can truly chill! 

During the days, I am good but then the few times you go on social media... bam!! Couples!!! 
I thought it was just me being dramatic until a friend messaged me and say why does it seem like everyone getting 'hitched' this holiday .. (so I know this was just not in my head since someone else mentioned it). 

I went to Half-Way-Tree with another friend on Christmas Eve.. I think that made it worst... Almost every teenager was holding hands, hugging, window shopping or something. Like seriously?? And I can barely get a date!! 


Again, I really never felt like that before. I've heard of it but don't remember experiencing it before. 

So what to do when you find yourself with the Singles Blues:

1) Accept it-- Yes that's what I said.. ACCEPT IT!! 
As singles especially believers, we tend to pretend that we don't have these feelings. We say 'God is enough' or 'I am so contented in my single season' so often that it becomes a cliche and really and truly even though GOD IS MORE THAN ENOUGH... He still made us with these desires of wanting a mate, wanting a family and companionship. So I don't believe He wants us to lie to ourselves and others that we don't have these desires but it is really what we do when they come upon us. 

"God sees your desire for a spouse deep down,no matter how much you tweet you're content. Contentment in singleness doesn't mean you have to say you don't want a man. It means until God sends you one,you chilling" -Stephanie Sims

2) Share it -- This is simply talking to someone about it. 
I hope you have accountability partners that you can be honest with and just tell them this is how you feel. When I shared it with a few persons I knew (males and females) I realized I wasn't the only person feeling like that. So we could actually encourage each other.

3) Pray about it -- The struggle is real but God understands.

 I know many of us might be praying for a spouse for years yet nothing seems to be looking possible  but God knows our hearts and we truly have to trust His timing. It does get challenging and every year you watch other persons getting their dreams come through but I encourage you to not get weary because God hears your prayers and I really believe that He is molding us for that special someone as much as He is molding them for us. This is why you have to talk to God about it and spend time with Him because in His presence there is fullness of joy!! God gave us these desires so talk to Him about it. 

I know it is not easy as I said.. This is what I have to be living daily.. Hello!! But I am grateful for my friends who reminds me that God is faithful and He has great plans for my life and everything will happen in time. 

One thing I will also say, it is during these times the enemy send your EX. I mean all year round, you were strong enough to tell him/her no until the Singles Blues kick in then they become most appealing and desirous. It is so easy to start to entertain the conversations and let your guard down because of the attention. But I will encourage you, once you realize what's happening SHUT IT DOWN! Sometimes we get caught up and if you have already don't be too hard on yourself but cut it off now! He/She is so so not worth it!!
You know why it had to end and You know God has better in store so don't let the flesh lead you into a dangerous path. 
Shut it down! 

This blog is not just for you..Believe me, it is for me too! As I shared over the past week I had to be dealing with this feeling of 'God just send the husband already' but thank God that I was able to Admit it.. Share it.. Pray about it.. and Shut down the temptation/attention!! 

God knows my desire and I really just don't want a relationship because I want company or because I desire sex.. I want a God-ordained marriage and I share the reasons I want to marry in a blog previously Why I desire to Marry (check it out)... Know that God will honor you, if you honor Him and keep yourself holy and be obedient and trust His timing. 

God loves you.. and so do I!! 

God bless you.

To God to be Glory**** 


Feel free to email me with questions or concerns at 

Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas Friends!!!

It's been a while that I've blogged .. actually it's been awhile I've even written in my journal and it is not because I've been busy. For weeks I've been feeling like God is simply just not talking to me... I keep asking "God are we in malice?"

It has truly been a going 'through the motions kinda season' and I am just being still because God has not given me anything to share.

Last week, the She's Royal Movement had its last event for the year in the form of a cocktail party and worship experience.. I was supposed to do the exhortation but I just couldn't because I refuse to share anything from my limited wisdom and God did not tell me anything to tell His people. So thank God for my brother in Christ, Dunamis Reignz that shared the exhortation and the night was truly a blessing.

This is my last blog for 2015, I want to say thanks to all the faithful readers and followers of my page. I truly pray that you were inspired, blessed, encouraged and even convicted by my daily posts and monthly blogs. One thing I can truly say that even though I feel like God is not 'talking' to me, I know for sure that He is always with me .. and guess what He is ALWAYS with you too!!

It is so comforting to know with all our hearts that even in His silence, even in a drought, even in the tests, even in the valley .. NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD!!

As we a celebrate this Christmas season with just about a week to go for the New Year.. I pray that we will not be so caught up in the festivities that we don't get time to truly reflect what this season is about...
Jesus Christ came into this world, not just to free us from eternal punishment but also to give us hope and purpose in this life! So I truly encourage you to spend some time with God before the end of the year and just thank Him for just keeping you, providing for you and most importantly saving you; through His birth.. we have been given LIFE!! 

I know everything may not be going how you would want it.. maybe 2015 has even been your hardest year.. but God continues to take us through and He has brought us too far to leave us now! 

There is so much that I need to share with you guys but when God has release me then I will do so.

2015 was truly a Year of Promotion... and I declare that 2016 will be a Year of Expectancy for us ..because we serve a Great Big Wonderful God and we know that His plans for us can only get better!! 

I love you guys very much.. God bless you.. I pray that you will have a safe, joyful, peaceful, lovely, restful and merry Christmas and super favored and blessed New Year to come!! 

God loves you so much... and I do too:-)

To God be the Glory****


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