Wednesday 14 January 2015

Purpose behind my Pain

Many of us live on social media living in a facade. We post these flawless pictures, we say the proper things and it appears like we have it all together. 
In reality, we don't!! 
Many of us are hurting, many of us are insecure, many of us are confused, fearful and living in deep regret.

I remember when the Lord placed it on my heart to start blogging, all I could think about is Lord everybody will see my weakness, know my bad decisions and realize sitting behind the computer lies so much imperfection. It took me months to accept that I am called to share my story, not because I really wanted to but because every story shared will show God's glory

We all have a different story, we all have the issues we face daily, fears we try to conquer and insecurities we refused to let go off. As women, the pain we feel sometimes is so devastating we don't believe we can get through it. We question God... why do I have to feel like this... why does this have to happen to me..Lord, am I such a bad person? 
Tears flowing, heart racing, every fiber in our body wants to take the last breath because maybe the end of our life would mean the end to this pain. 

There are so many contributors to our pains: Why am I not as pretty or successful as her? Why don't I get more lunch money? Why does my parents have to be so poor? Why do I have to go to my bed hungry? Why don't my parents love me more? Why is he hitting me if he says he loves me? What did I do to cause him to rape me or molest me? What am I doing so wrong why he can't stop cheating? Lord, why did my mother or father had to die? Why don't I have any friends? Why am I broke and I just got paid? Why is this neighbor so harsh towards me? Why am I stuck in the same place for so long? Why am I so lonely? Why does my boss hate me so much? Why can't I provide a better life for my child (children)? Why am I hurting so much? Why doesn't my husband understands me? Why do I have everything yet I still feel so empty? Why as I take 2 steps forward, I get pushed back 5 steps back? Why am I diagnosed with this sickness? When am I getting married? Why doesn't anyone love me?
 LORD, if you are soooo GOOD then why are you allowing this to happen to me and You say You LOVE me? 

As I write this blog, I admit I don't want to post this because people will see my brokenness, inadequacy and weakness. And come on, I am maybe the strongest person I know. But I hear a whisper.. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - " But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.""

WOW!!! Lord... I didn't even know this was in the Bible, that because of your power, in my weakness, I am being made strong. Because of your love, because of your grace.. I can endure. 

No matter how much make up we use to hide the tears, no matter how much Brazilian hair we wear, no matter how expensive or how nice our clothes are, no matter how attractive our personality seem... It cannot take away the pain. We are all going through something. We are battling daily. BUT we have a GOD that says 'Cast your cares on Him" (2 Pet.5:7). We can't move on until we accept that we are still hurting, that we are still angry, that we are still depressed, that we still haven't forgiven... It's so hard to just let it go! It's so hard to seem vulnerable! It's so hard Lord... It's so hard!! 

God will not allow the pain that you may have experienced throughout your life to be wasted. God will allow that pain that you have experienced to prepare you for your purpose and your destiny. Often times it is in the midst of our pain that we find our purpose. 
It is in the intense moments of our trials and tribulations that we make the choice to either give up and quit or persevere.

This post is not just for you, but it's for me. Going through my own broken period wondering where the tears are coming from but still have peace as I release it to Him. I know I am being healed. 

You can be healed my friend.. Just pour it out to Him. 
He reminds me there is Purpose Behind My Pain. 
I am reminding you, there is purpose behind your pain.

Somebody's life will be blessed. Somebody will be set free. Somebody will be convicted. 

We all have a calling on our life.. The Lord has purpose behind your pain.. God can heal the wounds... He can heal your broken heart (Ps.147:3)... 

Fear cannot isolate you, if you allow God's perfect love to surround you!!!!!!! 

I pray this song encourages you....

To God to be Glory**** 


Feel free to email me: 


  1. Wow crystal....u did it again. I hope the Lord will continue to use you and allow people like me to get to know God and draw even closer. Keep up the good work crystal #warriorforchrist

  2. God is using to show us what he can do in our lives and yes its hard to get over the things you have done in the pass but with Jesus it possible. I have stolen money and lie to get money but my God set me free. Its hard to even admit to the fact that I have done that, me Tamika Edwards. In Christ you have become new, he washes away your pass and create a new you in him. I fear to even testify one day but I know my faith and trust in the Lord will make it okay. When got baptized I thought it was going to be easy, I will be filled with the Holy Ghost but I have come to know that is not so. I was feeling so empty for first couple of days after and I just couldn't understand why. I prayed and I told him I feel so empty and I didn't want to feel like that. I was at women's ministry and they where praying and I was just feeling empty and one of sister was praying and she said remember you said you'll never leave or forsake us. I broke down, I want to do everything he wants me to do. Can I tell I you I'm not feeling empty anymore and I know we have to take it step by step and trust in the Lord. I struggle within myself, not knowing what I'm to do with my life and second guessing everything. I'm getting over that too, I know he's there for me and I need to let him do his work cause with everything is possible. I don't know where my school fee is coming from but I'm going to apply still cause that what is deep in my soul like he place it there. Someone said the other day that God place desires in us so what we desire most we should reach for it and never be afraid to praise and worship him.

  3. Im happy to know that their are persons like myself who understands in a nutshell that there is 'process before promise' which based on your experiences you have rightly couned 'there is purpose behind your pain'.
    Continue to use your life as the Lord leads. You are impacting more people than you know.
