Thursday 29 January 2015

Conquering Fear in High Heels

A couple months ago my church hosted a 3-Day Evangelism Street meeting in the Kencot community; and I was asked to give a testimony. Now, as a Christian one of the things that comes naturally is giving a testimony because it really blesses the hearts of people and encourages unbelievers that we serve a Great Big Wonderful GOD. But for some reason when asked I said NO. In my head, all I kept thinking was we are on the road, possibly many of the persons I partied with who knew me when I lived in sin will be there and what will they think? Honestly, FEAR took me over. 

Driving home after the first night of the meeting, I got really convicted. I felt like I disappointed God so I started to pray. As I prayed, I was reminded of  2 Timothy Chapter 1 verse 7 - "For God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline". 
That means if the Word of God says I have power then I "HAVE" power to trample on fear. This led to a message I was inspired to write, which I am now sharing with you--- Conquering Fear in High Heels!

I am a super big fan of high heels! As I reflected on what this message meant, three steps came to me on how I can use something that comes so natural (walking in high heels) to conquer the fears that may plague me. 

Fear is one of the biggest stronghold in any human life. We fear failure, death, heartbreak, losing our jobs etc. Single people fear not finding their true love, Married people fear divorce or being cheated on, Men fear not being able to provide for their family and the list goes on. When fear is our motivation to act or not act we have to learn to check or recheck ourselves because that fear will stop us from getting many opportunities if we allow it.

Satan has really used this emotion to cripple Christians and the world. But, God has equipped us in His word to trample on fear and conquer our stronghold. So what does this have to do with high heels?

1) Step Out of Your Comfort Zone - If you decide to put on a 5 inch heels then its not as comfortable as walking barefooted. In a 5 inch heels you are elevated five feet higher than if you were barefooted. You may ask Crystal what can 5 inches do? Think if you want to reach in the cupboard for ketchup, if you tipped on your toes, you get an extra 2 inches and then you might be able to reach it. It seem small but you actually get the ketchup you wanted aye? In other word, the "5 inches" gained on your current height gives you an elevation to reach something you couldn't normally. Going back to fear, if you elevate (raise or lift or upgrade) your thoughts and take a step you would be surprise how quicker you will get to your destination. But you first must step out of your comfort zone. For example, I need a new job - your '5 inches' could mean Step Out and register for a new course to upgrade your skills, get help with your interviewing techniques, go out and get your 'power" outfit, actually APPLY for the job etc. 
Get out of the same level of doubt, raise yourself by stepping into that "5 inch"and step out of that comfort zone.

2) Keep your Eyes on your Destination - When you are in the heels, you are now forced to walk a certain way. You cannot put on a 5 inch heel and walk as though you are barefooted or you will trip over. You are now forced to walk with an ounce of confidence, because you certainly don't want to fall when passing that handsome guy:-) Similarly with fear, even when we know we don't always have it together, you must trod with some confidence (even if we have to fake it initially). Think of the Story of Peter stepping out in the water, he was going so well until he lost the confidence in Christ then he started to sink. It's similar with us, once we start allowing the distractions and doubts to kick in then we start to lose our "confidence" and we get back to that place of fear or sometimes sink even further. We lose sight of where we intended to go. Of course, please note.. once Peter took his eyes off the destination, he lost confidence. Keep your eyes on the destination!! 

3) Practice makes you more confident - Practicing constantly walking in your 'heels' (faith). The more practice, the more confident you become. After you've started walking elevated and confidently, the high heels get more comfortable. You build your faith by applying it to small things and as you exercise your faith more often then you will be able to do greater things. 
When Jesus walked on the water, he trod confidently because He knew His destination plus He knew He has power, love and a sound-mind to trample on fear. (Of course, He is GOD so He can do anything) but we can follow Christ by truly trusting in the God we serve and practice taking faith to build your confidence.

So, I tried these steps that night and I gave my testimony. Once, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took the mic, I kept my eyes on the destination which was to share the wonderful things the Lord has done in my life and even though I was nervous at first, the more I spoke the more confident I became and I was able to Conquer that Fear in my High Heels. 

Doesn't make sense to you? Hush!! Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.

FAITH conquers Fear!!

The thing with fear is, once you conquer it in one area it creeps up on other areas but I am now constantly trying to remind myself of these steps because there is so much more than I can do  and achieve once I conquer certain fears. 

So, I encourage you to "Put on your High Heels" - pray and ask the Lord to guide you as you take each step towards conquering your fear. You will step out not as yourself but as an elevated and confident woman. After awhile, it will come natural! 

 To God to be Glory**** 


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