Wednesday 21 January 2015

Caring... Sharing... Giving...(My Challenge to you)

Sitting at my desk after work... Listening to sermons and thinking... Lord, what is my purpose?
For over a year I've been asking myself this question and I am yet to come up with one definite answer. Reflecting on the Crystal I was in January 2014, she is surely not the same person. The spiritual growth is amazing and surprising, even for me. I would hear over and over that God has a calling on my life, but understanding what that meant would take a courage I never thought I possessed.

What I do now, is my passion... My passion to help everyone (which can be a weakness some people may consider) but for me it just comes naturally. It truly breaks my heart to see a young lady unable to achieve her full potential because of lack of funds, support or even the self- motivation. It truly breaks my heart to see a child being abused, robbed of their dreams or just cast aside by society. It truly breaks my heart to see young men refusing to step up to fulfill their roles as leaders, fathers and providers. Then I am constantly reminded, I am one person, so what can I do?
I mean, I myself lack the resources and funding to really help, so what can I really do?

I remember growing up, I always wanted to be a Politician. For me, that was the best way to have access to enough resources to help as much people as possible. Growing up in the 'ghetto', not many persons had parents like mine who pushed their children to get the best possible education. For us, that was the way out. Education is the key to success!! So, I grew up driven. But that's me.. What about the young lady in the inner city whose mother doesn't know any other way than go to school to ninth grade then go "look a wuk" or the young lady who thinks having a man is the answer to her problems, 'as long as him a mine me it nuh matter?'.  What about the young man who knows no other way out than stealing, killing, smoking, partying and survival of the fittest?
Plus people outside of the inner city would look down on 'ghetto' people and scoff and pass harsh judgement. But we know socialization can affect our lives drastically (not going into that).

Then, I think about Christianity. What role do Christians play? Someone comes to church, we try to convince them to get saved or baptized, they have no job or no income earner, not sure where the next meal is coming from but all we have to offer is Prayer!! That cannot be the case. After the church service, people still have real issues and we know our God can change every and any circumstance, but aren't we His disciples? Aren't we called to love as Christ loves us?

It cannot be that every Sunday I go to church praying, listening to sermons, singing and worshiping God, but Monday to Saturday we are busy with our own lives. Yes, many of us are ministry leaders, deacons and pastors, but outside of the church walls, we are not God's servants.

If we say we are daily trying to be like Jesus, we must do more. We must care more. Our lives cannot be so consumed by our career, education, material success and our own family. Everywhere Jesus went, He fed the people, He healed the sick, He offered practical assistance as much as He can. This is what we should also imitate.

Yes, we can comment ALL day about what the Politicians are not doing but what are we doing as Christians? I love the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats in Matthew 25:31-46 (please read it) -- This parable tells us it's not just what we do that gets us into heaven. Even if we keep all the commandments and go to church every Sunday and participate in every church event we are considered a true Child of God, but what didn't we do that we ought to. This includes feeding the hungry, giving someone clothes who needs it, overall helping someone else that is in need. 

I don't know... Maybe it is me... But I really believe there is more for us to do. I remember in High School, I didn't have lunch money ever so often, but my best friend at the time would never let me go hungry. Even if we shared one patty, her heart of kindness and her generosity still impacts me even today.

Think about how somebody's act of kindness has impacted you.......Then.....
Imagine how your act of kindness can make a major impact in someone else's life. 

So, even if you not rich or in a big job, there is even one person you can share something with. Yes, we MUST continue praying for people, we MUST continue sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all lost souls, but we also MUST share our resources including our time, talents, money and possessions to people in need. 

Going back to the beginning.. What is my purpose? I  am still searching.. but in the meantime I will live through my passion of helping, serving and giving as my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ did:-)

I leave these scriptures with you....

To God to be Glory**** 


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  1. Amen sis. I was recently asking God that myself and came to realize that my purpose was to serve Him and I can serve Him by serving others. So now I walk in that as I wait for further direction. Great blog!

  2. Thank you for reading sis.. I pray many of us will get this part right!
